Lesson idea #1
Length: 20-25 minutes
Cut out 8-10 pictures from magazines that you think would be fun to make an inference with.
Glue magazine pictures onto a piece of construction paper
Large Sticky Notes
1) Show students the pictures. Take one picture and make an inference and show them how to write their inference down on a large sticky note. “I think she is saying/thinking…” or “I think he is feeling…” and then stick it below the picture.
2) Your students job is to pick one of the pictures and make an inference and stick it below their picture they chose. If you see students flocking to only a couple of pictures, encourage some of them to go to another picture.
3) After they are done, collect all of the pictures and read aloud the inferences that were made.
Lesson idea #2
Length: 10 -15 Minutes
No Materials Needed!
Play the game: Pass the ….
This is a game that requires no talking, but great acting skills. To begin have all students in one large circle. Tell them we are going to be playing, Pass the… The person who starts passing is going to have an object in their mind and they are going to use their body to show what it could be, No TALKING is allowed!
When the last person passes it to the person who started it, students can guess what the object was. Take three guesses, if no one has guessed correctly the student then may share what it was.
The first time, the teacher should start the object as a practice run through. After playing and you feel your kids are ready, break them into smaller groups to play this game.
Lesson idea #3
by David Weisner
Tuesday is a wordless book (it might have 5 words all together) to make the story you need to make inferences to tell what is going on in the story.
As you “read” the story, encourage students to make inferences to tell the story. Have one or two students comment on each page to create the story. Prompt students and point to different parts of the illustrations if you think they are missing something. Remind students to look at expressions, and body language and the scenery to help tell the story.
**Inferencing can happen anytime and anywhere. Encourage students to make inferences in books they are reading or looking at.
Lesson idea #4
by Istvan Banyai
This is another wordless book. Each page makes you zoom away from it was first looking at. This book is fun for students to use the setting to help figure out what they are looking at and can help develop inferencing skills because they are encouraged to be detectives that pay attention to small details.
Lesson idea #5
The Great Fuzz Frenzy by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
This is another fun read aloud. Not only will your students laugh at the funny moles that trying to figure out what invaded their underground home. As you work your way through the story it can be interesting to listen your students make inferences about what the moles think of this “Great Fuzz.”
Lesson idea #6
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, The Big Hungry Bear
by Don and Audrey Wood
Use this funny little mouse to help your students practice inferencing. The illustrations bring this story alive and my students thought it was one of the funniest books of the year! It also is a story about sharing, there are lessons to be learned from every story.