Text-Self Connections (Literature)
Grades: K-3
Length: 5 days (20-30 minutes)
Objective: Students will be able to make t-s connections and utilize the following language “When this happened in the text it reminded me of …”
** You might ask, why this is important? Well think of the stories you like to read. Our enjoyment of reading usually comes from being able to relate to situation or a character. Establishing text-self connections helps students become more motivated and enthusiastic about reading.
Day 1
Lilly's Big Day
by Kevin Henkes
Large Post It Note
Chart paper with Text-Self Connection written on top.
1) Today I am going to show you how to make a text to self connection. A text is anything that has writing on it. It could be a book, magazine, cereal box, newspaper or anything with writing. We are going to read a book by Kevin Henkes called Lilly’s Big Day.
2) As you read, do a think aloud. That means stop occasionally as you make text-self connections and use the language, For example, “When Lilly practiced going down the aisle, it reminded me of when I was a junior bridesmaid for my cousins wedding.” (Try to make several connections).
3) At the end, show students how to either draw a picture or use words to make a text-self connection on a large post it note and stick it to the chart paper. (Students will be doing this tomorrow!)
Day 2
Julius The Baby of the World
by Kevin Henkes
Large Post-It Notes
Chart Paper
1) Remind students about text-self connections. Text-self connections are when something we have read reminds of something that has happened to us in our lives.
2) During the read aloud today, give students opportunities to share their own connections. (If needed, give prompting questions and give opportunities for students to share with their neighbors.)
3) Great connections to make our if you have had a sibling, and maybe how you felt jealous, or maybe how you stood up for your sibling or for a friend.
4) After reading, have students share with a neighbor one of the connections that they have made. Give students plenty of think time. Send back to seats with a large post it note and when students are done have them stick it on the chart. (Remind them they can either draw a picture or write their connection or both)
5) When all students have completed, have each student tell the class their connection. Reinforce language “My text-self connection was when…”
Day 3
Lilly Purple Plastic Purse
by Kevin Henkes
Large Post-It Notes
Chart Paper
Like the two previous days, read aloud, encourage students to make text-self connections, and have students record on a sticky note.
Day 4
by Kevin Henkes
Prepared papers that have “My special object is a _______” written on top. (To be made into a class book!)
Crayons or Colored Pencils
1) Before reading, have students look closely at the cover, ask a couple of students what they notice.
2) Read Owen by Kevin Henkes to the class.
3) As you read, talk about Owen and how he is feeling. Share about your special object. (My special object as a kid was a lamb that played a lullaby). Use the following language “I’m making a text-self connection, Owen’s blanket reminds of my special object _____.” Ask the question, Do you have or did you have a special object when you were littler? Have students whisper to a neighbor. Call on a couple of students and help them with the language “I have a text-self connection, Owen’s blanket reminds me of my ____.”
4) Continue to read and share any other connections you make while reading.
5) After reading, show students the paper and how to complete. They should name their special object and draw picture of themselves with their special object. (crayons or colored pencils).
Day 5
A Weekend With Wendell
by Kevin Henkes
Large Post-it Notes
Chart Paper
1) Set the stage and access students schema! Tell them you want them to think about a time when they have had a friend over to their house. Ask the following questions and tell them you want them to think about them as you read the story. What are some rules? What does a good friend do? If you are the guest, what do you do?
2) As I read, I want you to share any text to self connections you have to the story.
3) Read A Weekend With Wendell.
4) After the story, ask the following questions:
Was Wendell being a good friend? What should have he done differently?
How did they solve their problem? What was their creative solution?
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